Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness for Kids & Teens

We provide services to children in the afterschool program that uses the B’N fit
curriculum to teach kids more about the 7 target behaviors that lead to improved health.
1. Tower Garden
Students learn how to grow greens, herbs, fruits and veggies, while learning about healthy eating and the benefits of fruit and vegetables.
2. Nutrition Education/Healthy Cooking
We partner with different organizations such as Stop & Shop to teach kids how to prepare healthy snacks.
3. Fit Kids Physical Activity
Kids choose to participate in at least 3 hours of physical activity each week, including dance, basketball, yoga, Zumba, Volleyball, fitness, and baseball.
4. Healthy Snacks & Beverages
We offer limited juice and mostly water at all wellness events. Schools provide healthy snacks during the first hour of programming, such as cheese & apples, pretzel and Hummus, yogurt & granola.
For more information, contact Ericka Swinson, Wellness Director:
or call 646-823-4880