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Rascals, Cubs, ColtsBobcats, JaguarsWolves, CoyotesRavens, FalconsLeaders In TrainingCamp Sunshine
Pay by Zelle / Credit Card1 Day: $135 / $140 | 2 Days: $260 / $270 | 3 Days: $385 / $400 | 4 Days: $500 / $520 | 5 Days: $615 / $640
Children ages 6-12 will enjoy sports, art, dance, and more!
Pay by Zelle / Credit Card1 Day: $90 / $94 | 2 Days: $170 / $177 | 3 Days: $250 / $260 | 4 Days: $280 / $290 | 5 Days: $390 / $405
10% Sibling Discount AvailableMedical Form RequiredParticipants bring their own lunch – Snack provided.