MMCC’s Beacon Programs are school-based community centers, funded by the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Beacons provide services for children, youth, and adults. We operate during afterschool hours, evenings, weekends, summer vacation and specified holidays, providing a wide range of services and activities for children and their families. Beacon activities vary from site to site but include academic enrichment, life skills, career awareness/school to work transition, civic engagement/community building, recreation/health & fitness, and culture/art.

All activities provide a balanced approach to the community needs, which aligns with the Department of Youth and Community Development. Our programs operate in the afternoons, evenings, weekends, and during school holidays and summer months. Currently, MMCC have four Beacons located throughout the Bronx.
Reservoir Beacon 86
2756 Reservoir Avenue Bronx, NY 10468
Evander Campus Beacon
800 East Gunhill Rd. Bronx, NY 10467
718-696-3700, ext 3940
Mosholu Beacon 8
3010 Briggs Avenue Bronx, NY 10458
Beacon 185
20 West 112 Street, NY, NY 10026