Advance & Earn Program
Cohort 6 - Sept. 2022 to Jan. 2023 is open for enrollment!
MMCC Workforce Education Center
174 East 205 Street, 4th Fl Bronx, NY 10458
(917) 792-3899

Advance and Earn is a program funded by the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (NYC DYCD) and a partner with Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC). Together we seek to expand our ability to assist members in our community. Our goal is to enhance the lives of youth ages 16-24 to obtain their High School Equivalency, formerly known as GED. Our Advance Training Track is designed for youth ages 21-24 interested in obtaining their Commercial Drivers License. Please read below to understand how each program track operates.

Track 1: Pre-HSE (High School Equivalency)
- Must be age 16-24 years old
- Score a 501 on the Reading section of the TABE Test
- Must be a resident of New York City
- Provide a valid photo ID from a government agency
- Must be eligible to work in the United States: Provide Birth Certificate, Residency Card, or Naturalization Certification
What to expect
- 20 Weeks of class
- 19 Hours of Academic and Work Readiness Classes
- You will receive a PAID Stipend for attending class

Track 2: HSE (High School Equivalency)
- Must be age 16-24 years old
- Score a 536 on the Reading section of the TABE Test
- Must be a resident of New York City
- Provide photo ID from a government agency
- Must be eligible to work in the United States: Provide Birth Certificate, Residency Card, or Naturalization Certification
What to expect
- 20 weeks of class
- 12 Hours of Academic and Work Readiness Classes weekly
- 25 Hours of Internship weekly starting week three
- Complete a National Customer Service Certification

Track 3: Advance Training CDL (Commercial Drivers License B)
- Must be age 18-24 years old
- Must have a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency
- Must be a resident of New York City
- Provide a valid photo ID from a government agency: New York State Driving Permit or Drivers License is preferred.
- Must pass a physical medical exam
- Must be willing to take a drug test
- Must be eligible to work in the United States: Provide Birth Certificate, Residency Card, or Naturalization Certification
What to expect
- 20 Weeks of CDL instruction
- 25 Hours of Internship weekly starting week three
- Obtain your Driver’s License Class D
- Obtain Your Commerical Drivers License class B
Check Out Their Stories
For More Information Contact:
Jahvar Duffus, Recruitment Admin Coordinator
Office: (917) 792-3896, ext. 218
Work Cell: (347) 749-0042 (text or call)
Sheena Rafat Smith, Program Director
Office: (917) 792-3895 ext 213
Interested in the Program? Send us your contact info.
Are you interested in Advance & Earn? If so, please complete our Community Partners Form, or if you are a Youth interested in attending please complete our Pre-Intake Form and we will have someone reach out to you.